Hi guys,
Nov 2019
Let’s take a look at a
book allegedly written by a man in Texas, USA, who is making a lot of noise
about him having successfully written down some words and thus has now awarded
himself what he believes to be a title, author.
From this introduction
I think anyone can see that I am somewhat biased and I admit quite frankly that
I am indeed. I am biased when it comes to honesty, integrity, authenticity and
ethics in general. The guy who wrote this booklet, is not.
It consists of only
179 pages in the Kindle edition. The author, a Kenneth Wayne Bomer, first
introduced himself as a critic of an online podcast where he introduced himself
as a Muslim and told us hosts everything we said was wrong. When I asked what
it was that we said that was wrong, what was wrong about it and would have been
correct, he could not point out any one issue – but we were wrong. He claimed
he was an authority, an Imam, the Muslim who leads the prayers in an Islamic
mosque and a student in an Islamic - what he calls - a university. The ensuing conversation
revealed that this Kenny Bomer did not actually understand much of what the
Koran said and knew very little about Islam in general. But we were wrong.
He claims he is
academically trained because he attended this Mishkah University, known as “Sharia
Academy” until it was renamed and rebranded as the non-accredited, online
“Mishkah University”, classified as an extremist organisation by Clarion.
When we questioned Kenny
Bomer further on our podcast, he became quite abusive and in the end we stopped
inviting him since there was little factual contribution and the constant,
childish abuse was simply getting too much. Viewers made us aware of the
criminal record of this Kenny Bomer and I can see how this domestic violence
and stalking can be very possible, given the way he behaved with us. But if
believing a god exists keeps him out of jail that is positive. That’s all of
the personal life I will bring up since I will not critique the person, but his
actions and output.
When he made a grand
announcement that he wrote a book and now appeared as “author” Kenny Bomer we
were amused, nothing else. I contacted him and asked if he would provide me
with a copy for a review, but instead he told me in no uncertain terms where to
place my request. What happened next was quite odd, especially since it
happened in full visibility of others, where he offered to send me a free copy
if I purchased another book from a friend of his.
No other conditions were posed.
No other conditions were posed.
I agreed to the
compromise and duly bought a book I did not really want. That was beginning of
2019, many months ago.
Did our Kenny Bomer
now send me his book? No, he simply demanded I do more and more in order to
receive what he seems to consider a generous gesture. Anyway, I simply bought
the book and will now read it and provide a commentary as I go along.
What struck me right
off the bat was that not a lot of people seem to be interested in this work of
Maybe it’s the lacking contents, something I will go through in a few minutes or maybe the format where something like a simple spelling mistake in the contents list is something I simply did not expect from a published book. Oh well.
Maybe it’s the lacking contents, something I will go through in a few minutes or maybe the format where something like a simple spelling mistake in the contents list is something I simply did not expect from a published book. Oh well.
The author introduces himself with an email address as mujahid.kbomer, where he hurls verbal abuse at me when I use a pen name. Not exactly consistent.
The next thing I found
quite odd was the way a book, written in the 21st century using
tools of the 21st century using machines of the 21st
century, is introduced by stamps with symbols of ancient superstitions. Then we
get a whole list of great personal achievements, none of which are significant
in my eyes. And not true either. How can anyone be an “independent” researcher
when just a few lines further down they say they are dependent on Islam?
How can anyone call
themselves a debater, when there was only one real debate I know of where he
got horribly spanked and then there were just conversations, one with me where
he ran away frustrated and another where he even denied this was him? Very
The biggest problem I
have after having read the book is that I can’t figure out who the target
audience is, who should read and benefit from this garbled collection of
phrases where the writer is mostly whining and complaining about the perceived
injustice he feels when it comes to his worldview.
It seems the book is
an attempt at bashing all critics of Islam, which he fails at, miserably I
might add, and I will try and point out why I think it is a failure and also
attempt to find an explanation.
In the introduction on
page 8 in the Kindle version, he somehow admits defeat at handling reality and
turns to an imaginary god as though this is a substitute for the lost parents.
It seems this person is coping with life by only adjusting his field of vision
to something filtered through his personal definition of a god he calls Allah.
Like a child, he places his hand into the guiding principles of Islam and
follows it blindly and in total trust. Stubbornly refusing to let go or even to
inspect what this supposed guidance is connected to and where it might lead him.
Much like a whistle only capable of making a loud noise by emitting a single
So we have a
perception of reality not raw and unbiased, but blinkered and filtered,
resulting in an abusive adult unwilling to adjust to the real world, afraid of
reality and living in a make-belief, self-imposed cell.
It seems to me that we
non-Muslims can’t really appreciate or fathom the self-deception at work here
and when we peek into this cell, we see useless hardship and illogical
superstition, things we can’t really comprehend. At least I can’t. But I think for a
fundamentalist Muslim this makes perfect sense since they are sitting in an
uncluttered, manageable space they can understand, with strict routines and
limitations they can follow and a carrot dangling in front of them, the hope of
a reward. When they’re dead.
Sure. And we all know
that hope dies last. And that’s why Muslims in general, as is the case for all
theists I suppose, feel they are doing the right thing. But when looking at
specifics in Islam, most Muslims are better than their god. That’s why so many
are leaving, where even in Islamic or Muslim majority countries, many Muslims
are no longer believers yet can’t voice or live their conviction due to the
societal norms around them.
Kenny Bomer, our
writer, not just applies, but buries himself in Islam and uses it as a
barricade against reason, rationality and logical thinking. He can only do one
thing and that is obey and preach. If that makes him a better person and keeps
him within the bounds of the law that in itself is great. But why shout about
it and annoy others? We’ve heard him and noticed how difficult it is for him to
communicate an idea to others and this book is no different. It delivers bursts
of something and then peters out. It feels disjointed somehow and awkward. The
terms used are not coherent and used in a wrong way.
Like the word “proof”, which is frequently used and always wrong. Statements like “the fact that I have taken on this task is proof of how Allah will take you to a better place” combine logical fallacies and are completely in line with this self-deceptive delusion I see so often in fundamentalist Muslims.
Like the word “proof”, which is frequently used and always wrong. Statements like “the fact that I have taken on this task is proof of how Allah will take you to a better place” combine logical fallacies and are completely in line with this self-deceptive delusion I see so often in fundamentalist Muslims.
He writes he will
“defend Islam against falsehood and misconceptions” without even realising that
this can be considered as blasphemy since it makes his god seem incompetent and
a fool. The author of a book incapable of providing clear guidance, written by
a god who did not know that people would be able to spot the inconsistencies,
contradictions and mistakes in the book. Requiring help from human simpletons
which could have been avoided by writing the book in a manner worthy of a god
and not some 7th century nomads in the Arabian desert.
He makes a truly wild
claim that the Koran and with it Islam is “a true source of peace and comfort”,
something that is so hopelessly and evidently wrong I can’t understand how
anyone living in the 21st century can still claim this.
Islam means
submission, not peace and only in an extended interpretation can you get from
communal submission to a possible condition of peace. But since we have
violence every single day where Muslims are killed, maimed and destroyed by
other Muslims, this concept of peace in Islam is an illusion.
In closing, our
hapless author now claims he can not only decide what is real Islam and what is
not but also that he will present this to us. Oh well, let’s see how this is
done, going chapter by chapter and analysing what I read as I go along - the
way I have just done with the introduction.
Introduction............................................. 7
1. Normalizing
Hatred and Bigotry .............. 10
2. Just
the Basics ........................................ 22
3. The
Choice is Yours ................................ 36
4. Patriots
of Propaganda ........................... 48
5. War
of the Worlds .................................. 60
6. Media
Assassins ..................................... 70
7. Why
Do They Hate Us? ........................... 80
8. Where
the Enemy Lies ........................... 90
9. Momma
Mia No Sharia! ........................ 100
10. Christians
and Atheists ......................... 110
11. They’re
All Going to Hell ....................... 120
12. Christian
Condemnation Continues ....... 132
13. The
Oneness of God ............................ 142
14. Rights
of Women in Islam ..................... 148
15. The
Day of Judgment ........................... 162
Quotes from Non-Muslims ....... 170
Life Instructions from the Qur’an..... 175
1. Normalising Hatred and Bigotry
In his first chapter,
“Normalising Hatred and Bigotry”, he claims he has studied both Islam and
Christianity. I only have what he presented to me and that was a very
superficial understanding of Islam and some standard apologetics he copied
which was very much unimpressive. Kenny neither speaks modern nor the classical
Koranic Arabic and contributes nothing new. He merely repeats long refuted
claims where he doesn’t even understand the contents. And now he claims he has
“studied” Islam. Maybe he can still ask for a refund.
What is strange is
that he wants to defend Islam and the first thing he brings up is Christianity.
Then he brings in slander, but without the lawsuit.
He claims that
atheists make slanderous claims, which in itself and by definition is
An atheist is a person
without a god-belief. Full stop. No claims. No slander.
But the author Kenny
does not understand many things. Like what an atheist is - even though I’ve
tried many times to educate him. No joy.
Then we get the
absolute show-stopper, the term that immediately closes down any discussion,
the Islam-O-Phobe. He does not define it and for a good reason, there is no
Islamophobe. It’s a nonsensical word created to get clueless, hapless Islam
apologists out of a jam, when they run out of ideas and arguments.
To get something
straight: I don’t really mind or even care about a believing Muslim. I don’t
care about the Koran. I don’t care about Islam. If somebody needs a god to get
through the day this is of no concern to me. As long as I don’t get any
negative consequences from and out of this ideology. Getting shot at is a
negative consequence. In my eyes. If I am on the receiving end of a bullet
So I don’t approach
Islam, the Koran or Muslims. They approach me. And when I defend myself they
whine. My defence consists only and exclusively of applying my intellectual
capability to formulating ideas and using words, nothing else. I inspect the
claims, investigate the background and veracity and then enter into a dialogue
to discuss my findings. The Taliban come and shoot at me. That’s the
So don’t give me
fakes, give me facts. And Kenny Bomer doesn’t.
He repeats a lie I
think we have all heard and increases the level of dishonesty by saying he will
demonstrate this. He does not. He claims Islam is the fastest growing religion
in every country throughout the world.
It is not. Maybe in the prisons in the US where it is 9% as opposed to more like 1% in the country overall, where it’s around 16% in the UK, 30% in France and around 20% in Germany.
It is not. Maybe in the prisons in the US where it is 9% as opposed to more like 1% in the country overall, where it’s around 16% in the UK, 30% in France and around 20% in Germany.
But this is irrelevant. Why should I care whether or not people follow a pernicious ideology for no good reasons? Or for whatever reason convinces them? I don’t.
What our genius here
does not understand is that Islam is brought into some European countries by
immigrants – who leave their home countries, But for some reason the number of
migrants added in let’s say Germany is not subtracted in the Levant. Muslims
claim that millions and more millions of Muslims are killed in the Middle East,
yet the number of followers don’t decrease. And yes, Muslim families had more children, a trend that is
rapidly decreasing. Since millions leave Islam every year and millions more
don’t believe but can’t easily voice this due to the societal constraints
imposed by Islam, the numbers are still dwindling, fast. But that is not
important at all. If there were only one creator/god with a compelling and
convincing message we would all be followers – but that is not the case. If it
were important for a god to have many obedient followers we would surely all be
created that way – after all, this is a god, right? But we don’t see that.
The author of
“Consider Islam” now openly lies, stating something he knows is not true
because he was shown it is not true. He claims there is no violence and no
oppression in Islam. These claims have been debunked decisively and I will not
go into that again.
Bomer doesn’t even
bother with arguments, but only throws a temper tantrum using lots of words he
does not understand. His excuse? People can’t help it. Oh boy. We, the human
race, living in the 21st century CAN and DO check and research. And find what
is correct and what is not. But because Bomer doesn’t he thinks others also don’t.
But they do.
What he thinks is
demonstrating that his claims are correct is making more claims. Without
The Islamic
Declaration of Human Rights defines female oppression and Muslim supremacy. Pew
Research in 2013 found that a high percentage of Muslims favour Sharia, which
is oppressive and violent.
But then where does this 0,00625% number come from? It is a word-of-mouth spread of what a guy said that I could trace to a tweet. What part is the Pew Research Centre? Well only the estimated number of all Muslims. Everything else is made up by some guy, making ISIS 0.00625% of all Muslims. Oh well.
But then where does this 0,00625% number come from? It is a word-of-mouth spread of what a guy said that I could trace to a tweet. What part is the Pew Research Centre? Well only the estimated number of all Muslims. Everything else is made up by some guy, making ISIS 0.00625% of all Muslims. Oh well.
But Bomer, the author,
does not understand this and does not do what an author should do, check the source.
On top of that, I
don’t get 0.00625% of Muslims being 15,000 but rather something like 100,000
He does not understand
that I am not so much worried when it comes to the people, Muslims, but
Political Islam, the Ideology. And since today 99% of all terrorist attacks are
based in this Political Islam, that’s where the terrorism lies. And we are all
well aware that most Muslims die at the hand of Muslims, or, the other way
around, the victims of Islamist terrorism are usually Muslims. Nothing new
So what our genius, who
stated he had an IQ of well over 150, what he claims, is that we are afraid of
individual Muslims, a claim nobody makes. Our concerns is regarding Political
Islam, violent, pernicious, misogynistic and divisive Political Islam. Why is
that so hard to grasp?
I will not go and now
explain what a Nobel Peace Prize is nor will I address the fallacy of making
Christianity look bad in order to elevate Islam.
But I will address the claim, that Islam is a far more disciplined and obedient way of life. Because unfortunately, it is not.
But I will address the claim, that Islam is a far more disciplined and obedient way of life. Because unfortunately, it is not.
Maybe Muslims were
obedient when prophet Muhammad, as is attested in several hadiths classified as
authentic by Islamic scholars, encouraged his men to enjoy raping female
captives and maybe Muslims throughout history were obedient when causing 270 million deaths,
Africans: 120 million
Christians: 60 million
Hindus: 80 million
Buddhists: 10 million
Jews: the numbers were
in the thousands, not millions.
This gives a rough
estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.
But if and when I look
at what is happening today it is very, very different.
We saw earlier how
Muslims contribute in significant numbers to the inmate percentages in
different countries. We have several terrorist attacks by Muslims every single
day. When millions of Muslims were screaming their heads off when Muslims were
killed in New Zealand by a non-Muslim, but on that very same day 2 other
killings of Muslims took place - where there was zero reaction. Why? Because
the killers were themselves Muslims. Any German today will readily condemn
Hitler for the atrocities committed in his name. Will a Muslim condemn Muhammad
for his atrocities and those committed in his name? Every time I take my
parents somewhere I have Muslims parked in handicapped parking spaces and when
I confront them, I suddenly have 10 or 12 of them threatening me with violence.
This is not just one, but frequently. So all these examples all the way to even
this minor issue demonstrate that Muslims in general are neither more
disciplined nor are they leading a more obedient way of life, benefiting
mankind or the society they live in.
Any philosophy student
would have a field day looking for debate or logical fallacies in this book. I
reckon you will find all of them in this tiny book. The next one used is the tu
quoque fallacy, where Islam is elevated because others too are violent and bad
– where, just as another example, the author Bomer can’t research what the
Christian Crusades were, a reaction to Islamic aggression.
There are logical and
factual errors, where the USA, a secular state, is accused of being Christian. Bomer
lives there and is frightfully ignorant of what country he lives in. The first
war the freshly founded USA fought was against Muslim pirates. Leading to the
Treaty of Tripoli, where it very clearly states in Article 11, “As the
Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in
itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of
Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act
of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the
parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an
interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.”
Of course Hitler is a
must in this kind of exposé and all atrocities committed by anyone in history
who was not a Muslim, trying to deflect any blame from Islam, whining and
crying, simply doing what so many Muslims do best, play the victim.
This is still the
first chapter and already it is getting disingenuous and outright pathetic.
Bomer claims he will
demonstrate that Islam guides people to what he calls “just and fair” treatment
and now comes the whopper: for all mankind.
Wow! That is outright
crazy. He can’t possibly think anyone will buy this.
Islam has brought out a competing declaration of human rights, the Islamic Declaration of Human Rights. This was just a few years ago. In 1990. In Cairo. In this declaration it is stated black on white that just as an example Muslims are superior to all other people and that men are superior to women - and then refers to sharia for details. The sharia based on Koran and Sunnah where women are legally raped, beaten and kept as sex-slaves. How is this “just and fair”? Bomer says he “disproves” propaganda and then writes about this horrific, pernicious, callous and despicable set of ideas that they benefit mankind.
Islam has brought out a competing declaration of human rights, the Islamic Declaration of Human Rights. This was just a few years ago. In 1990. In Cairo. In this declaration it is stated black on white that just as an example Muslims are superior to all other people and that men are superior to women - and then refers to sharia for details. The sharia based on Koran and Sunnah where women are legally raped, beaten and kept as sex-slaves. How is this “just and fair”? Bomer says he “disproves” propaganda and then writes about this horrific, pernicious, callous and despicable set of ideas that they benefit mankind.
That is horrific and
destructive propaganda. That is not how you disprove someone else’s propaganda,
which, when you analyse it, is actually just listing facts, not propaganda. You
don’t fight what you perceive as propaganda by issuing propaganda yourself. You
counter propaganda with facts, details and reality, not threats.
No, Mr. Bomer, please
don’t lie, Islam does NOT, I repeat, does not instruct people to fight
oppression and injustice. Islam IS
oppression and injustice. That’s why we bring up facts and constantly show what
Islam teaches to make people aware of the political ideology Islam and warn
people what to look out for. And also, that is precisely why so many Muslims
are leaving Islam. They can’t handle the brutal and unjust teachings. Along
with the irrational, illogical claims.
Bomer now pretends
that there is no racism in Islam, when Muhammad said in several of his sayings
deemed authentic by Islamic scholars that Allah’s messenger said, ‘You should
listen to and obey your Imam, even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose
head looks like a raisin.’
That is racist. As is
the fact that the expression for a black person and a slave are identical in
The rest of chapter
one is ranting and preaching, praising Muslims and castigating everyone else.
Throwing out red herrings left, right and centre, making false claims and
pretty lame mistakes.
It closes with one of
the most hypocritical and dishonest sentences of the entire Koran, there is no
compulsion in Islam, which is factually incorrect and an insult, making others
look as though they are too stupid to realise this is wrong.
2. Just the Basics
Chapter two simply
carries on in this vein, I am unsure why there is this break. He continues the
Islam propaganda and even pretends he knows what the true Islam is. He further
expounds the fallacies when describing the arrogance of Islam having the final
messenger, when we know many others followed. He makes the very basic beginner
mistake of conflating Muslim and Islam, where everyone with just a cursory
knowledge of Islam will always separate very clearly the political ideology,
Islam from the person, Muslim.
I found an interesting
point here, where Bomer says he will use the English word god and uses Allah
“to get people used to it”, as he states. This is what I observe all the time,
where Muslim apologists are pushing the Arabic words to introduce a different vocabulary
or slang like all cults I know do, regardless of whether this is Scientology or
Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Even Google now tries
to correct you where if you search for Koran it suggest Qur’an instead. We need
to reject this in my eyes.
Consider Islam now
shifts in contents, without realising just how illogical this contents is.
If you call the first
person on Earth, Adam, a prophet, who was he teaching or preaching to,
especially in view of what Bomer claims the innate instinct we have for the
belief in creator/gods?
It now describes some
of the Pagan origins of Abrahamic religions and it is hilarious how Muslims
don’t worship the Kaaba in Mecca – but pray towards it, circumambulate it and
even kiss the bits of meteorite in the vulva shaped opening in the Eastern
Of course this turning
in a common direction is nonsensical on a globe, but people were not yet aware
of this, as is the case for most of these ancient superstitions.
Bomer claims that “the
word kaaba is derived from the word qiblah”, which, when checked, turns out to
be nonsense. “Qibla” comes from the Proto-Semitic root Q-B-L and is derived
from the Aramaic root “Qebl”; the root, means "before" regardless of
whether you are in front of someone or something. In Arabic it means “direction
in which we face”…but its root is Aramaic. The shrine Kaaba is simply from
Arabic ka`bah, from ka`b cube, which goes back to cubic shrines in ancient
Egypt. So no matter what the claim is, it usually turns out to be a false
He now goes back into
his preaching mode, throwing out false claims, unsubstantiated assertions and
logical fallacies.
3. The Choice is Yours
On to chapter three,
choice is yours, where this reads a bit different, actually quite fluent and
some paragraphs are easy to read, unlike the previous staccato sentences. I had
to laugh out loud when he described himself and his belief when bringing up the
analogy of a naive child and Santa. But I suppose the irony escapes him.
4. Patriots of Propaganda
In chapter 4 “Patriots
of Propaganda” I am again highly confused what is being said here. Islam-O-Phobia
is a phobia, people are afraid or Muslims, people are afraid of Islam and not
afraid. I see a term such as cognitive dissonance used in the wrong way and
someone who is highly confused, unable to adequately express their thoughts.
He tries to explain
Islam-O-Phobia and talks about Muslims, where the term is not Muslim-O-Phobia
at all. It is an attempt to rescue a term that is nonsensical and intended to
shut down a conversation when all intellectual capabilities fail, further
widening the divide between Muslims and non-Muslims and at the same time making
it more difficult for rational or modern Muslims to gain a foothold.
The language gets
increasingly more strident, where now a critic of Islam is labelled as
Muslim-hater and quoting the Koran becomes falsehood.
5. War of the Worlds
In chapter 5 the War
of the Worlds chapter, the same naïve and distorted perception of reality leads
to the same apologetics, where Islam is the victim. An undeserving victim. A
harmless religion where people only wish to worship their creator in peace.
Targeted out of sheer misconception through misinformed media. It is the result
of a brain not used to analysis and research, a brain usually being fed with
information from a single source, Islam, told to obey and not to ask questions
which could lead to doubt. This book was written by someone who says a mirage
is something that does not exist. It is this simplistic and false perception
that seems to lead to this pitiful whining and feeling of being dealt with
What is quite amusing
is the result of his superficial research and inability to comprehend
information. If I look up “fake news” I inevitably come up not with Trump who
claims he invented it, but the German origin as Luegenpresse and that Nazis
used this as a tool to promote national socialism. But further research reveals
what is more probable, namely that this was “originally coined by the German
author Reinhold Anton in 1914” according to several articles on the net.
Since Bomer rarely
provides any kind of sources or references it is impossible to determine where
some of these claims originate from.
What I found
fascinating is the way that reality is not taken as a way to find what is real,
but belief seems to be just as acceptable. Bomer can’t get himself to admit
that facts are not based on or equal to personal beliefs and can be verified or
falsified. So as a result, I can take a statement made by a man like Trump and
I can then compare that to reality. If it matches, it is likely true, if it
does not match it is likely a lie. This is not determined by a belief. Or
conditioning, which he spends a great deal of time on, without any useful or
tangible result or connection with the topic.
And suddenly we are back in his ranting mode, where society is blamed for everything he doesn’t comprehend or approve of. Why? Because it goes against Islam and his imaginary entity in the sky.
This is, at least in
my eyes, the core of what believers cling to, the inability to accept human
behaviour as a product of evolution within a society, a changing and never
stagnant society. Whether positive or negative, good or bad is not
predetermined, but part of the never ending process.
Bomer does not even
realise he is actually better than his god and his text. He does not realise
that he is picking and choosing what parts to take on board and which to leave
behind. He, the person is doing that, not his god. He does not realise that
what he describes in his book as conditioning is exactly the indoctrination and
brain-washing he has been subjected to and which is blocking the most important
aspect and ability in a modern human being: critical thinking. This ability is
totally removed, amputated by Islam.
Like a child Bomer accuses others for what he calls deceptive reporting –
because he doesn’t have the ability to differentiated between fact and fiction.
6. Media Assassins
Wow! What a mess.
Bomer on a quest to find a segue to Islam. And fails. He goes from media to war
tactics to bombs to Islamic rules. On warfare. Islam does not prohibit killing
or violence, but manages it. The problem is that this results in endless
contradictions. He tries to use Islamic texts, which are vague and highly
ambiguous, all the way to directly contradicting each other. Like the claim
that killing women, children, animals as well cutting down trees are prohibited
and then, just a few sentences later, this is explicitly allowed and performed.
So what is the value of making claims which are contradicted in the same text?
Bomer next plays the
victim card, where he claims that - not Islam - but Muslims have been
persecuted. And that is true. Muslims have been persecuted. Because they
persecuted others.
He laments the efforts
of exposing political Islam and demonstrating that it is not compatible with
societies today. He scolds ex-Muslims who warn others and try to rekindle the
ability to apply critical thinking in a thought process. He even says they
“pose as false teachers”, which, of course, they don’t.
Bomer quotes 32:22, a
sentence in the Koran which is used as the basis to kill those who leave Islam.
Why would anyone do this, when he’s just quoted a sentence saying the exact
opposite, there is no compulsion in Islam? Why threaten those who see Islam for
what it is and prefer freedom of their thoughts and minds in general? Why does
someone like Bomer feel so threatened and desperate when Islam is so wonderful
and convincing? And gentle. And peaceful.
Instead of taking the
opportunity and use this book to actually address some of the issues, Bomer
only attacks the persons, labelling them as imposters, frauds and fakes. His
character now gets the better of him and he can’t decide how to spell Brigitte
Gabriel and uses different versions, calling Ayaan Hirsi Ali a claimed
ex-Muslim not who but that was mutilated. He uses descriptions like “devout
ex-Muslim” and calls them all frauds without even attempting to demonstrate why
he comes to this conclusion. His justification: they are all Islamophobes.
There you go.
He says he is quoting Brigitte
Gabriel when he says “We must discuss how we can defeat the radicals who want
to kill us, who are using the Koran as their source and justification for their
murders”. I have no way of verifying
this statement was made by her on that it was on CNN, but hang on, this
sentence makes a lot of sense and is very much what we must discuss.
While looking for the
quote I happened to bump into it. In a 2014 segment called “Red news, blue
news: Islamophobia”, not with Ben Shapiro, but Linda Sarsour.
How does this mislead
the masses? All Miss Gabriel is saying is that the Koran CAN be used to justify the killing of others and this is a fact. It
can be and is used to do exactly
Bomer now turns to his
usual preaching, claiming that Islam is
a gift from his creator/god. Well not if you are a slave or a female Muslim. Or
worst of all, a female slave. Or a homosexual. Or an apostate. Oh well, you get
my point.
And here’s yet another
example how sloppy Bomer is with his research, claiming Xenophobia is the
dislike of people from other countries. Going on to claim that Islam has
affected all of us in positive ways – of course without substantiating this
gigantic claim.
7. Why do they hate us?
Oh well, it was bound
to happen and here it is, spelled out and for all to see, the “them” vs “us”.
Muslims are the good
Non-Muslims the bad guys.
Non-Muslims the bad guys.
Bomer goes into craze mode, mixing fiction with reality, taking stories from Islamic texts as though they are real. He says Adam was created from clay, where he could have said he was created from dust.
But I don’t really
blame him for being so confused when you have all these inconsistencies,
contradictions and mistakes in Islamic texts.
In his shoes, I would
simply not mention these things, simply because people for the last 1000 years
or so have tried making sense of the Koran, so someone like Bomer is bound to
fail here. He summarises quotes by different people in a way that was never said,
injecting his own bigotry and pretending others are saying this. A journalist
chastises people for their bigotry, which he deems a prejudice against Islam to
be – and Bomer calls this hatred for Islam. He doesn’t even understand his own
sources. He doesn’t understand the difference between criticising the ideology,
Islam and the people, Muslims. He constantly mixes the two, making his case
totally incoherent. His claim is that Muslims flocked to Islam and that makes
it right. Everyone who does not, simply can’t understand the true Islam –
whatever true Islam may be. All he can do is throw around the victim card and
claim people don’t understand what Islam really is what the cause of everything
must necessarily be.
His only explanation
is god did it and the media lies to people who blindly believe the media. That
is the world according to Bomer. 2D. Dichotomous. Black and White. Them and us.
8. Where the enemy lies
Bomer continues the
whining and his refuge in large numbers, where the fact that many people apply
some version or bits of Islam makes it right. He blames everyone except
himself, his god and his Muhammad. Which are exactly the three places where the
origin of the problems lie.
He claims the problem
is with people not accepting Islam, not with Islam itself. Again jumping away
from the ideology and landing on the people, which makes his claims irrelevant
and dishonest on top of it. We get to read about consistency when even Islamic
scholars are at odds when it comes to understanding Islam, take the contents of
the Koran and provide opposing interpretations. Bomer simply denies that and
blames others for the mess in Islamic texts.
What is telling is
that Bomer himself is immediately defeated when he makes any claims since it is
incredibly easy to show inconsistencies, contradictions and mistakes in the
texts and in Islam itself. Once you introduce logical thinking anyone can
totally destroy all claims around the Islamic god. Bomer denies this
categorically – yet can’t substantiate anything he claims.
Instead he even
mentions different sects with very different interpretations of Islam and
quickly resorts to blaming the media again. It is quite comical how anything
remotely difficult within or about Islam is countered by his claim of the
beauty of Islam – without any references or backup of his wild claims.
And goes back to
Something here stuck
out: the greatest enemy of Islam is ignorance.
That is the claim. But
it’s the exact opposite. The greatest enemy of Islam is education and knowledge.
As soon as you study Islam yourself and don’t have others telling you what it
says and what it means and what to think, Islam dies. That’s how easy it is.
Bomer does not
understand this. He thinks the right information and the right interpretation
can only come from him and people like him. Never from me. The problem with
this is easily demonstrated. I asked him to show me something correct in the
Koran. He couldn’t. I then asked him where the Koran accurately describes the
conception of a child. He couldn’t. He could only ask me what sentence in the
Koran is problematic so he could resort to his pre-fabricated scripts made
public by Muslim apologists. Individual thinking is actively discouraged. But
other Muslim apologists have the same problem of actually not being allowed to
think and produce their own material and have to go and ask their scholars or
sheikhs what they are allowed to say.
9. Momma Mia, no Sharia!
This entire chapter is
yet more whining and complaining about others, this time a radio show. Bomer
apparently made an appearance there, much like he did on our show, and was
quickly identified as an uninformed troll.
Bomer uses the context
to demonstrate to the world that nobody understands Sharia – except Bomer.
Who goes on to tell us
that Sharia is like Karma, where doing good will result in good and doing bad
results in, well, difficulties. He does
not reveal to us that these, erm, difficulties mean only one thing: eternal
torture. In a place called hell. Because this god is all merciful.
Bomer calls me a
hypocrite for accusing Islam of spreading hate and subjugating people. How does
that make me a hypocrite? I neither spread hate nor do I subjugate anyone. He
further claims that Islam does not promote hatred – where every 3rd
sentence in the Koran does exactly that – and does not oppress others – when
non-Muslims are forced to pay a tax to Muslims or be killed or leave and 50% of
the Muslims are forced to cover their bodies when leaving the house. That is
called oppression.
The Cambridge Dictionary actually lists underneath the definition the oppression of women as a prime example.
The Cambridge Dictionary actually lists underneath the definition the oppression of women as a prime example.
Bomer now quotes the
first chapter of the Koran, all 7 lines, where we actually get to see the
hatred and the threats made towards non-believers. In the Koran. The first
chapter. This really DOES make it a
barbaric, inhumane, 7th century system of oppression.
In his book he writes
about “inhuman” and the 6th century, which should probably be
“inhumane” and the 7th century. Oh well.
He continues, claiming
that “obviously, mankind falls short of living up to and following our
creator’s instructions properly”. Why is that obvious, when the creator is not
an incompetent buffoon, but the best of all creators, as is claimed in the
Koran? A competent, all-knowing and all-powerful creator should be able to
create humans who can follow a couple of clear instructions.
It turns out, it
can’t. It needs to threaten its own, botched creation.
As an example Bomer
brings up stoning, where he says that people can’t be stoned if Islam is not
the law of the land. He does not realise
that this means that if Islam is the
law of the land, people can be stoned to death. Just to remind everyone: this
is his benign apology to make Islam look beautiful.
10. Christians and Atheists
In his 10th chapter
Bomer makes up for it all by delivering some clear and concise arguments for
the beauty of Islam.
Just kidding. No,
he continues whining and complaining about others. That’s all he’s capable of.
He blames those who
actually look at Islam and study the texts and accuses them of being dishonest
and painting what he calls an “ugly picture” of Islam. Ignoring that Islam does
that. All by itself. Without any outside help. We see and feel this every time
we need to stand in a queue at an airport or walk in the streets of Europe and
see shapes in black without the possibility of interaction and a social life only
within their small group.
He even points at me
and accuses me of using a fake name when talking about Islam. That’s how
fragile, weak and backward Islam is, where a critic can only be silenced, where
there are no positive arguments. I need to do this because I work in Islamic
countries who will immediately cancel all activities if I publicly say anything
critical of Islam. That’s how weak and fragile Islam is.
Bomer can’t understand
the facts we bring up when critiquing the ideology and that’s why he thinks he
needs to defend poor Islam by lying to and deceiving others. He labels our
critique as attacks, instead of accepting reality and what it really says in
the Islamic texts.
We are very clear that
we see Islam in its current form as being incompatible with Human Rights, the
UN version, not the Islamic version and that the claims made in the Koran are
incompatible with reality. This is neither hatred nor is it disdain, just
honesty and integrity. No, I do not have a good reason to believe gods exist –
so I don’t. But I see and experience the effects applied by their followers. So
because I am honest and curious, I investigate and study to try and understand
why some Muslims tried to kill me. Me, a civilian, an innocent civilian in a
civilian hotel. So I tried to understand why they would want to do that. And
now I do. Do I now accuse every Muslim of something? No, I do not.
Studying Islam has
shown me that the claims Bomer makes are unwarranted and fabricated. There is
no benefit or positive impact from Islam on any society in medicine, technology
etc etc pp
A doctor will not
perform an appendectomy and scream Allahu Akbar. Because the appendix was
unknown at the time. The Islamic god did not mention this to anyone and people
died for centuries until we found the cause and the cure.
Out of ca. 1000 Nobel laureates, only one single Muslim has ever received a scientific Nobel Prize. So where exactly is the positive impact on technology and science?
Jails outside of Islamic countries are full of Muslims, so where is the positive impact on society?
All women are obviously ostracised, seen only as a distraction for Muslim believers and are stuck into black cloth, hidden away and confined to a small region of activity.
Due to the commands in
the Koran domestic violence is a huge problem – but not reported to authorities
for fear of retribution.
This segment displays
how desperate Bomer is to find something positive. He could have used the
Jinn&Tonic Show’s episode where I contributed many positive aspects of
Islam and even made an entire video on what I find positive. But unfortunately,
nobody today needs Islam to tell them not to kill their daughters.
Islam does not
contribute anything positive in the 21st century that is unique to
But tons of stuff that
is highly detrimental for people. Like what he is proud to present: the
prohibition of homosexuals and sex outside of marriage, no matter how short
this marriage is.
11. They’re all going to hell!
This again is a chapter
that feels different, almost as if someone else had touched up the usual
childlike rhetoric. But it soon reverts to the usual preaching, but this time
to show how flawed Christianity is, without applying the same criteria to
Islam, which is what I am able to do as a person without a god-belief.
12. Christian Condemnation Continues
This seems to be a
story about how a Christian told Bomer non-Christians would go to hell. And
Bomer felt “offended” and that Islam as an ideology was “insulted” which can’t
possibly work, he does not think for a second how I feel when the Koran tells
me 105 times that I will go to hell all because I don’t believe gods exist. He
doesn’t think for a second about others – because his god is better than all
the others. That’s his belief And he offends every non-Muslim. But that’s what
the Christian was doing from his point of view. Telling Bomer he will go to
hell because that is his belief.
Bomer stereotypes and
then accuses others of stereotyping.
So why does Bomer
object again and again to someone else doing exactly what he himself is doing?
13. The Oneness of God
This is now only
preaching. Threatening others who don’t believe in or adhere to this concept of
monotheism. What he calls “Oneness”. As opposed to “Twoness” or “Threeness”?
It reminds me of
Victor Borge and his inflationary language, something I urge everyone to watch.
It’s hilarious. Just as the concept of “one god is better than two gods” is.
It’s jealousy combined with a narcissistic disorder and nothing more.
Victor Borge - Inflationary Language
Victor Borge - Inflationary Language
14. Rights of Women in Islam
It really is getting
repetitive and rather boring.
self-contradictory and quite pathetic. Bomer is so desperate to make Islam seem
be beautiful he does anything to make it look better than it is. He says women in
non-Islamic countries can dress how they choose and then immediately follows
that up with the claim that women must obey society. What utter nonsense.
Complete bollocks.
He is too primitive to
understand that it’s men, old men at that, who dictated the dress code for Muslim
women today - over 1000 years ago. Why
does he insult every non-Muslim female? Why does he offend them by saying they
only dress to provoke? In today’s society in non-Islamic states women can wear
what they want, the exception being some very narrow legal restrictions.
In Islamic states I
see different styles, different colours and very different attitudes. It is
because the Koran does not specify any clothing for everyday use. The god of
Islamic does not care about how women dressed and was only concerned with them
being recognised as Muslims, not to be raped.
Later, much later,
centuries later, people came up with hadith collections and specified what
women were to do in order to keep them in check and distract men from their
primary duty, fighting for the Caliph.
Women are seen as
sex-objects and incubators. In non-Islamic countries only a tiny portion of
women are actually sex-objects. Based on what men want to see. So if a god, a
good creator/god who knew his stuff would create men who took women as equal
counterparts with the inclusion of sexual activity and family planning, we
wouldn’t have any problems. But this creator/god in Islam fails miserably. So
women in Islam have suffer countless disadvantages, the main one being that
according to the Koran, the male is a degree above the female and in charge of
Does Bomer acknowledge
this? No way! That would require honesty and integrity.
He brings up single
and isolated examples, like stating something about the “Western world”
whatever that may be, and cites a law from the UK only. I call that primitive.
He talks about Adam
being created individually by his creator/god from clay or dust or water or
whatever yet the women is created as and from a part of the man. So Islam does
the opposite of uplifting their status or setting them free.
The scope of
dishonesty on display by Bomer is seen when it comes to inheritance. He knows
full well that this is a mistake in the Koran that can’t be whitewashed or
discussed away, so he simply states that a woman gets to keep her inheritance,
not mentioning that this is half of what a male inherits because the male is
responsible for the women who sit at home, cook and do the washing if she
doesn’t have slaves.
Wives can’t slap their
husbands under any circumstances, can’t marry more than one man, can’t marry a
non-Muslim, can’t can’t can’t, where the man can.
Bomer concludes this
with the typical stereotype, the selfish Muslim justification that a woman
covered in black cloth is - and now get this – honouring her husband, her
brother, her father and all male relatives. Which is why you get so many honour
killings when relatives feel they have been dishonoured if a woman does not
wear all this garbage.
15. The Day of Judgment
This chapter starts
off with an unverifiable claim. So why state it?
There is no reason to
believe this myth about the end times or the last day. It’s primitive
manipulation and empty threatening. Intended to scare children. And Bomer it
And this concludes his
book, after 169 pages. Rather a booklet I would call it.
Quotes on Islam - or maybe not
There are some
personal, cherry-picked opinions by several people regarding Islam. Useless. I
can do the opposite. So what? But it seems it appeals to less educated people
to hear known names in connection with their favourite ideology.
Let me use a quick
example why these are thoroughly underwhelming.
On page 174 of the
Kindle version Bomer says he is quoting GB Shaw from “The Genuine Islam”. This
does not exist. Misinformation, a hoax or fake news :). The quote was printed
in the first and only volume of a Singapore periodical entitled The Genuine
The entire story along
with the kind words in the quote were in a 1936 newspaper interview, where the
editor put a different article next to the interview and people later simply
claimed Shaw had said this. Which is not true. It’s sheer deception.
In reality Shaw was an
outspoken critic of Islam, saying it was "ferociously intolerant" and
that "You accepted Allah or you had your throat cut by someone who did
accept him, and who went to Paradise for having sent you to Hell" and then
asks "How can you possibly present the picture of Heaven and Hell which is
portrayed in the Koran, in a manner convincing to persons conversant with science,
whose minds are inured to accept nothing without visible or palpable proof?"
So it seems we have a
bit of a disconnect here. But Bomer does not think or research. He follows.
Blindly. Copying what others say. Blindly. As long as it sounds good.
All my other sources on
this topic are by now behind pay-walls, so unusable today. But I reckon I have
shown how everything claimed in this text is not to be trusted and needs to be
double checked.
Pages 175-181 or 179
whatever are random quotes from the Koran.
One is not to marry
women who are blood relatives, leaving out the next bit, which is don’t marry
or have sex with married women – except if they are slaves.
Another is “Do not mix
the truth with falsehood”. So, Mr. Bomer, why not follow what the Koran
This book is what I
would call confused. Written by a troubled person who is venting his anger at
no one in particular and everyone at the same time. He feels misunderstood and
seeks some sort of status in Islam, where he receives praise and positive
feedback without criticism. Because he surrounds himself with sycophants.
In the book there are
countless mistakes and false statements. The presentation of Islam is
superficial and the understanding of the Koran strongly biased and childish at
best. There is nothing here that would suggest a particular group of people
should go and read it. Most of all I see nothing in this book that would be
considered as a reason to actually consider Islam. There are no positive
arguments unique to Islam, just a constant complaint towards those who don’t
accept everything presented by a Muslim based on blind faith.
Highlight of the book for me:
Islam is the anecdote for that poison.
Islam is the anecdote for that poison.