Terror 51:44
lecture, Doha Fanar, Hamza Tzortzis
1:00 start, ritualistic mumbling, Muslims speak the truth
2:00 what is terror, examples, foreign policy,
fighting, Islam foreign policy, Jijad
3:00 positive fruits of Jihad, removing obstacles
and oppressors, foreign policy of The West, not humanitarian, but
geopoloitical, landgrabing, natural resources
4:00 defensive and progressive Jihad, why
fighting is permitted, is terrorism religiously motivated?
5:00 20 & 21st century bloody. Prof Carter
bloodiest century ever (not surprising, is it), more people have died under the
banner of secular ideologies, (wrongly) quotes the Koran as saying saving a
life saves mankind and killing a life is killing all humanity.
6:00 Dr. Zibi Brzezinski, Out of Control: Global
former National Security Advisor for the U.S. government, paints chessboard of worldpower)
says 21st century, which is hardly possible)
87.5m people in politically
motivated reasons, not 3000 in 9/11, which is wrong and we disagree with it
(conspiracy theories???), 7/7 London is wrong and we disagree with it. Look,
87.5m people through state terrorism.
is terrorism for him?)
deliberately extinguished by politically motivated carnage": 167,000,000 to 175,000,000 Including:
Dead: 87,500,000
Military war dead: 33,500,000
Civilian war dead: 54,000,000
Dead: 80,000,000
oppression: 60,000,000
it's politically motivated reasons. As usual, Hamza lies when it suits him.
"he is unquestionably a paranoid-schizophrenic in the rigorous
epistemological sense of that term." (Lyndon H. LaRouche)
7:00 terrorism according to the UN is killing for
politically motivated reasons,
UN tried and was stopped by Muslims (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) over
9/11 for right of self-determination (KSA denounced the “official state terrorism”
carried out by Israel against the Palestinian people in their legitimate
struggle against occupation for the right to self-determination) the entire
minutes are available
is talking absolute nonsense: "The UN has no internationally-agreed
definition of terrorism."
prime reason is the standoff with the Organization of the Islamic Conference
(OIC), who want to exclude blowing up certain civilians from the reach of
international law and organizations
goes from terrorism to war casualties to state terrorism being terrorism
8:00 We shouldn't kill innocent human beings,
let's be just here, we have an epistemic duty (Epistemology is the
philosophical study of truth and all things pertaining to truth. One discussion
in epistemology is the concept of epistemic duty, the idea that there are
truths that people have a duty to believe. ,
this is true that 87.5m people died through politically motivated reasons
(untrue), via secular nations and states, then we need to start talking about
what is the real terror, which here, without a doubt is state backed terrorism.
8:40 We saw this in Iraq, 1.2 million people
dying (without specifying who and how).
174,000 people documented killed in
violence in Iraq since 2003
last 13,000 U.S/ troops were withdrawn in December 2011.
saw this with the depleted Uranium on the tips of some bombs. (horrific) This
is state terrorism.
9:00 We Muslims need to speak the truth even if
it is against our own selves.
10:00 paraphrases hadith, where angel is ordered to
destroy a town along with an overly pious man. Repeats the lie that
corrects himself, 87.5m innocent deaths for politically motivated reasons in
the 21st century.
11:00 Repeats claim that this is the real terrorism.
If discuss fighting it is quickly determined what the real terrorism is and who
is committing the real terrorism. We
Muslims do naughty things.
a slimebag)
everyone condemns (well, no) - BUT we need to call the spade a spade and look
at the greatest terror, which we know is that the worst terrorism is the
terrorism committed for politically motivated resons by secular nations.
the discussion should be what some people think terrorism is. Terrorism is not
Jihad. I will take you on an intellectual journey. Anthropological studies on
war and fighting. Fighting is a human reality. Different reasons, defence,
attack enemies, gain land, natural resources and geopolitics. War and fighting
are human phenomena and irrespective of race or religion.
US and UK fighting for oil and strategic dominance in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Even the support for Libya I would argue was more of a European project with
the French and the British. Libya is important because it provides access to
the resources of Africa and also because of oil. So let's not be under any kind of illusion
that when politicians come forward that this is humanitarian. Why are they not
in other countries? It's because of American interests
happened to the Europeans?)
(they prevent innocent lives 2x)
14:00 Islam is not a religion, but a worldview and a
comprehensive way of life. Allah knows humans and humans fight, so Islam sets
rules for fighting and how Muslims go to war. Muhammad articulated rules we
find in the Geneva convention, ahead of his time. Divine revelation, like no
killing of innocent people, no killing of women and children, no burning of
crops and trees, only fight those that fight you, no wanton destruction.
15:00 Abu Bakr gave 10 rules to his army. This is
what Islam talks about when we want to engage in fighting - after diplomacy
fails (where does it mention that?).
Schacht (1959). Origins of Muhammadan jurisprudence. Clarendon Press. p. 145. ISBN
978-1-59740-474-7. "Abu Bakr instructed one of his commanders to lay waste
every village where he did not hear the call to prayer.")
didn't come up with the term collateral damage, which means the killing of
innocents. Every
16:00 The rights of the battlefield and the
combatants, K5:32, giving a wrong rendition, lying through his teeth.
We ordained for the Children of Israel that he who slays a soul unless it be
(in punishment) for murder or for spreading mischief on earth shall be as if he
had slain all mankind; and he who saves a life shall be as if he had given life
to all mankind.
felt dirty at this moment, filthy dirty, physically and psychologically ill
from listening to such an evil, despicable person and I
to take a break. I just couldn't handle it.
17:30 We are not allowed to torture or attack a
wounded person.
- "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger
and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be
murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on
opposite sides..."
- "Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am
with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts
of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their fingertips
off them."
- "The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication - flog each of
them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you." )
cut their hands and feet and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of
iron. Sahih Al-Bukhari
cut hands and legs should not be cauterized, till they die. Sahih Al-Bukhari
hands and feet were cut off and their eyes were gouged and then they were
thrown in the sun, until they died. Sahih Muslim)
18:05 Prisoners of war should not be slain.
they reached as-Safra', he ordered that two of the prisoners should be killed.
They were an-Nadr ibn al-Harith and 'Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'ayt, because they had
persecuted the Muslims in Makkah, and harboured deep hatred towards Allah and
sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. In a nutshell, they were criminals of war in
modern terminology, and their execution was an awesome lesson to oppressors.)
audacious defiance, he declared obstinate enmity to the Prophet sallallahu
'alayhi wa sallam but admitted that Allah's Will was to be fulfilled and added
that he was resigned to his fate. He was ordered to sit down, and was beheaded
on the spot.)
one woman of the Jews was killed because she had killed a Muslim warrior by
flinging a grinding stone upon him. )
captives were sent to Najd to be bartered with horses and weaponry.)
Muslim 19:4321 explicitly condones the killing of women and children.
Dawud 14:2665 has a woman laughing before she too is killed, while the men
behind her are being executed.
person should be mourned.
should not be cut.
is strange is that a piercing is prohibited because of this, but circumcision
is not.
Muslim 19:4324 explicitly condones the cutting down of trees.
Bukhari 1:8:420 explicitly condones the cutting down of trees.
Kathir: to humiliate them and bring fear and terror to their hearts, he ordered
their date trees to be cut down
one should be tied up and killed
admitted into the audience of the Prophet with his hands tied to his neck with
a rope… He was ordered to sit down, and was beheaded on the spot.
we have teachings on the looting and destruction of the enemies country.
every attack or battle talks about both. What was Muhammad’s profession?
K8:1 The spoils of war belong to Allah and the
the sacred months they raided a Meccan caravan, looting it and “decided to kill
as many as they could of them and take what they had. Waqid shot Amr bin al-Hadrami with an arrow
and killed him”
only reaction was the instantaneous appearance of 2:217, where the Islamic god
condoned the heinous and brutal act by his followers.
apologists come up with an explanation which has Muhammad claiming his own
property, which was robbed from him when he left Mecca in a hurry. So does the
reclaiming of your own property warrant the killing of the people accompanying
the caravan? Would Muhammad share the booty if this was all his property?
According to the narrative, the caravan was transporting dry raisins and
leather and other merchandise of Quraish, no mention of Muhammad’s property.
there was another raid on a Meccan caravan, where Muhammad ordered his men
“This is the Quraish caravan containing their property. Go out to attack it,
perhaps Allah will give it as a prey.”
19:00 We believe in the sanctity of a dead body.
does this affect organ transplants, not foreseen and thus never mentioned in
the Koran or the hadiths?
there is a loophole: It is possible to mutilate the dead only in case of
Sheik Omar Abdullah Hassan al-Shehabi:
dead can be mutilated as a reciprocal act when the enemy is disfiguring Muslim
corpses, or when it otherwise serves the Islamic nation. In the second
category, the reasons include "to terrorize the enemy" or to gladden
the heart of a Muslim warrior"
this why Muhammad asked during a funeral: “Is there anyone among you who did
not have sexual relations with his wife last night?” Abu Talha replied in the
affirmative. And so the Prophet told him to get down in the grave
Or why
necrophilia in Egypt is ok for up to six hours?
“I (Muhammad) put on her my shirt that she may wear the clothes of heaven, and
I slept with her in her coffin (grave) that I may lessen the pressure of the
grave.” This hadith exists multiple times.
dead bodies were pulled out of a well, Unable to contain his joy Muhammad started
calling them by name and bragged to the corpses about his victory.
does the Koran mention several times unbelievers and that they will be killed,
crucified and have their hands and feet cut off? Is this a matter of preference
or scale?
believe in returning the corpses to the enemy.
not actually returning, but allowing them to be picked up.
believe in the prohibition of the breach in treaties.
except if it suits you to do so.
20:15 Take these amazing and beautiful values and
contrast this with what happens in the West on a practical level.
million in Iraq. BBC 40% smart bombs hit their targets. (1999 Kosovo conflict)
War is
always dirty. Why not prohibit it? Why not declare fighting and killing haram
if your almighty god is unable to or does not want to create peaceful humans?
21:00 Zionists as example.
is the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to Israel and the
protection of the Jewish nation in Israel through support for the Israel Defence
Forces. Today there are separate movements, Political Zionism; Religious
Zionism; Socialist Zionism and Territorial Zionism.
IDF murdered 100s of POWs in 1956 and 1967. (He forgot 1973 and 1982)
Is the
fact that Israel killed Muslims the reason that Muslims kill non-Muslims all
over the world? Is there any justification for this?
do we never see the mourning for the 3000 killed in XXX?
see the 9/11 mourning every year, why not this one?
am not saying we should compare the 2.
why compare them?)
it mean that the blood if a Muslim is worth less than that of a non-Muslim?
that what people are trying to say?
don’t believe in this. We in Islam believe that every human blood has equal
value in this perspective.
was found to be complicit and Ariel Sharon, the defence Minister at the time
was found to be personally responsible.
Israel Israel
and USA in South America.
24:35 Jihad. Jihad is a liberating concept. Jihad is
when Muslims go to war and there are rules as discussed.
Progressive Jihad
26:10 Muslims gather to expel the armies which have
invaded their lands.
they do this when Kuwait was invaded? No.
bla bla crusaders invading Palestine, Mongols, etc. No mention of methodology
or weapons permissible.
this include blowing yourself up and killing 30 Muslims?
27:20 Progressive Jihad. Is practically undertaken
by a legitimate Islamic state according to some ulema. No such state exists
today. The ultimate objective is dawa. In reality.
Dawa via Jihad is removing the
obstacles which prevent the establishment of the peace and justice and mercy of
Islam. Removing oppressors, showing that the state is a humanitarian state.
Therefore Islam demonstrates it is humanitarian.
as long as you join in the ranks of the Muslims. If not, you die.
if a nation does not actually want the peace and justice and mercy of Islam?
goals of progressive jihad:
the weak
the justice and the mercy of Islam
and this is where the problem comes in. Who in a free country wants the
ruthless, cruel, restrictive ethics of the 7th century imposed on them? I don’t
know anyone.
29:00 Coptic Bishop John of Nikiou, Heraclius abused
people, Bishop John says that people
helped the Muslims.
who wrote the historical text in Wikipedia does not agree with the version
Hamza is trying to dish out and writes about 7th century John of
Nikiou: John credits the Muslims for not destroying Christian holy places, but
he also records the numerous atrocities committed against the Egyptians and the
prohibitive new taxes placed on the native population. In some cases, the taxes
were so burdensome that families were forced to sell their children into
Butler's “The Arab Conquest of Egypt”, from 1902 also paints a very different
page 365 he writes:
whole country is described as suffering oppression at the hands of the Muslims”
conditions are laid out where, on page 321 he writes:
the payment of tribute and taxes constituted them a protected people (ahl adh dhimmah)
with a status implying these privileges. The tribute was fixed at two dinârs
per head for all except very old men and children, and the total capitation-tax
was found to amount to 12,000,000 dinârs, or about £6,000,000 but in addition
to the capitation-tax, a land-tax or property-tax was imposed.
non-Muslim Egyptians welcomed their liberators.
30:00 Oppression and all forms of genocide would
justify progressive jihad.
Invites anyone to accept belief
Invites to immigrate
is to remove the political structure or the barrier to the promotion of peace
and justice of Islam.
33:00 If Islam goes to war it is not for money but
to remove oppression, to show people the mercy, the rahma of the system of
Islam. He quotes some Jew who praises Muslims
34:00 USA geopolitical wars, shifting its army,
nothing humanitarian. France and UK are expanding for access to African
resources. Political parties claiming they want equality and a defence of
democratic values, All not true. Repeats Spain and Jews again and again.
35:45 again and again removal of oppression and
36:30 Koran. Mentions justified violence. To promote
Islamic justice in war.
40:00 quotes 4:75 for some reason, to remove
oppression and help oppressed people
41:00 results of jihad. We can’t talk about jihad
today because we don’t have an Islamic nation so we have to talk about the
in the history of mankind, was there one Islamic nation?
Dosy Spain Christians happy with tolerance of Muslims
Thomas Arnold Christians Spain ecstatic
and more names all describing Islam as paradise on Earth
46:00 Most suicide bombers are Tamil Tigers. Muslim
suicide bombers appear where the ASA had or has armed forces. Iraq, before the
invasion of the USA had not a single suicide bomber. Political injustice
provides the reason for the proponents of such so-called terrorist attacks.
Prof Pape continues: there is little connection between suicide terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism or any one of the world’s religions. They have a secular goal. Allahu akbar
Prof Pape continues: there is little connection between suicide terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism or any one of the world’s religions. They have a secular goal. Allahu akbar
48:00 The events in London were triggered by the
occupation of Iraq.
an army fighting a dictator is the reason why civilians of that country should
must condemn terrorist acts – but we have to be nuanced.
have to understand the role of negative Western foreign policy.
has exasperated the sense of injustice which facilitates this terrorism.
deluded, thinking that there were really regions, nations, people calling for
Muslims. Calling to Muslims: please oppress us and impose your 7th century
superstitions and backward ideology on us.
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