It looks as though iERA, the Islamic European Research
Academy, has been severely hit by the constant confrontation with reality and their
head-on clashes with truth.
It seems to me that iERA has suffered severely as more
Muslims are turning to reason and rational thinking, limiting their propensity
to spending money on iERA’s simplistic and superficial argumentation.
iERA must have taken a hard look at its operations and has
had to decide on whether to declare bankruptcy or soldier on. Well, it seems
they’ve decided to give it one last shot and have apparently identified a need
in the market and subsequently adapted their business model.
What they are doing is creating franchises. They take their
core sales messages from Christian apologists, based on the old and tired
William Lane Craig rhetoric, which seems to appeal to primitive, uneducated and
gullible ignorants. This is further dumbed down, adapted to Muslim vocabulary,
and mixed with the nonsensical contents of rich, well-funded Islamic
indoctrination factories like Zakir Naik with his Peace TV. Because Naik
himself is banned in the UK for his extremist views like “every Muslim should
be a terrorist”, which I have on video here, they are taking only his claims - based
on Bucailleism. After the script is done, they then send their guys out on a
“train-the-trainer” program.
They distribute these so-called dawah training packages to
smaller dawah organisations, helping them
to grow and have them fishing for more and more victims. These fishermen are
turned into sales people, essentially working like a Scientology pyramid
scheme. So giving dawah is nothing else but baiting victims.
So we have groups like the “London Dawah Movement” who are
given training by iERA and are provided with this sales pitch. Now, you have
hundreds of ignorants trawling the streets, all equipped with the same idiotic iERA
“sales kit”. You suddenly see the same rhetoric in Hyde Park, Glasgow and
Birmingham, all with the same, stupid question and answer game.
iERA is doing the marketing, distributing a video which
shows how beneficial your actions are and how it is your brotherly and Islamic
duty to pay back to allah and Muhammad. How? By selling the product Islam. Suddenly,
you see this video in several places and then several more videos, all telling
Muslims to – what they call – give dawah or, more commonly known as “sell
ignorance and stupidity”, proselytising.
School dropout and
iERA chairman Anthony Waclaw Galvin-Green who goes by the stage name Abdur
Raheem, a controversial preacher, ex-Christian, ex-Buddhist, has 2 wives and
loves rubbing shoulders with violent and aggressive dawah, gets onto the sales
motivation wagon, wearing his 7th century costume, complete with
long beard and long dress. He makes appearances, giving pep-talks, praising the
benefits of a life on your knees and shrouded in ignorance.
Just like a bad sales manager he tries to motivate his
troops by using emotional pleas and making them feel closer to and more like a Muhammad
of the 7th century. He first talks about prophets and messengers and
then depicts Muhammad as the best person to have ever lived on this planet and
then describes the hardships and sacrifices he went through – with only one
goal, to bring the message to people. Muhammad, according to Green, was the
most wonderful person, trustworthy, who never lied, never cheated and who
described his hardest day as being when he was rejected by the people of
Taif. Poor Muhammad.
Green leaves out the stories where Muhammad tortures people,
steals and lies, has people killed, releases limits on others which don’t apply
to himself. He has sex with his slave and a child, marries his own
daughter-in-law and has people stoned. In other words, known issues are suppressed.
Then Green makes sure his guys know the alternative, the
hell-fire, just as an untalented and incompetent sales manager would.
But Green seems to be proud of - even admits to - getting on
the nerves of everyone around him, being the dick who starts talking about
religion on the bus, the train or the plane, where it is difficult to avoid or
scream at him. What I found interesting is that even his fellow Muslims warn
others about Green, saying “May Allaah save us from the ignorant ones who love
to speak without knowledge.”
But he does not care and sends his guys out and the people
in the UK will soon see more dawah clubs come out of the woodwork all asking
people whether their mother could give birth to herself. Pathetic.
I just don’t think that people in the UK are that stupid. I
don’t think they will immediately start transferring money to their dawah team,
which will flow back to iERA eventually.
In all fairness, the idea sounds good superficially, but as
any experienced company or management consultant will know, it’s not the sales,
it’s the customer retention which counts at the end of the day. And here, the
track record is abysmal. Converts only last a few days or weeks, until the
brain kicks in and the slick sales pitch and all the talking them to death
wears off.
Then reality returns and as soon as they start checking
something they were told on the street by the dawah preachers, the entire
construct of lies comes crashing down. Not only will they be angry with the guy
dishing out the nonsense, but also disappointed by the ideology as a whole,
which means the brand will be
shunned for life. Just like I will never in my life buy anything by Sony again
due to the clash of marketing propaganda and their poor handling of several
product failures in reality. And to think that I was one of their big
supporters when they came on the scene.
So we have Islam, a dying ideology, trying to sound all
modern and rational and failing across the board. If they don’t reform, we’ll
eventually have a couple of backward fundamentalists sitting in caves
somewhere, while the rest of the world develops and progresses, in peace.
And this is the easiest and most efficient counter to all
the stupid claims worked out by iERA. Progress. Knowledge.
While the only answer we have today to the question: “how
did the Universe start off?” is “I don’t know”, how long before we do know? And what will these guys then
base their belief on, if this is their strongest argument?
And why, if we don’t know something, should the only
alternative be one of the gods anyway? So even if we will never know what the
status of the Universe was, why should anyone simply believe it was a god with
some fabricated attributes?
Watching these mindless moppets, their excursion into the
Koran which says in 52:35-36 “Or were they created out of nothing? Or are they
the creators? Or did they create the heavens and earth?” simply results in a
rehash of the Cosmological argument. They will cite Alexander Vilenkin, without
understanding a single word he said
or wrote. Too funny and so cute, hearing them use intelligent words without
understanding anything they mean. All it represents is substituting the word
mystery with the word allah. Yet an apologist will call this an “inference”,
which would mean a logical conclusion based on valid premisses, while all it is, is just a heap of claims based on arguments from
Brain challenged Muslims will ask questions like “can
something come from nothing” without defining either term and ignoring that
when talking quantum physics not everything is intuitive and straightforward. We
simply don’t know yet. They frequently mix up the possibility with the cause
and are easily caught up in self-contradictory statements. They are taught to
call a sceptic closer and theatrically place an empty hand onto the hand of the
sceptic, exclaiming: “what have I just given you? Nothing!” ignoring that they
have just transferred not only a couple of billion molecules of our atmosphere
but also a few droplets, filled with germs and/or bacteria or viruses. But they
think they have just made a profound demonstration.
“Can my mother give birth to herself” is also a popular
question, supposed to stun the participants in their little game.
The answer is yes, sure, why not?
There are different alternatives on different levels, such
as the one described by archangel Gabriel:
Sanat Kumara Channelling, when the New Dimensional frequencies of Gaia
will peak.
You can’t make this up. But the mother gives birth to
Then you have less spiritual cloning, where the mother can
have her own clone in her womb and thus give birth to herself. Muslims are
generally not so clued up when it comes to concepts, logics or science,
especially medical and biological science.
A mother can relive the moments she was born, essentially
giving birth to herself spiritually.
If a mother travels back in time and has sex with her
younger father, she is giving birth to herself.
If that is not 100% accurate you can always take your
father’s sperm and your mother’s ovum and have an artificial insemination, almost
giving birth to yourself.
ELCA's first female Presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton,
believes that Jesus has helped his mother give birth to herself into eternity.
The Quan Yin say their mother Earth must be reborn [give
birth to herself in the higher dimensions], and she invites you to participate
in this "rebirthing" process
Diana Arosio physically demonstrates in her artwork how the
woman finally decides to give birth to herself.
There are more examples, but I will stop here. So we have
plenty of alternatives and just because Muslims are unable to conceive of these
possibilities does not make them non-existent.
Muslims are taught to obey and believe without evidence.
They are not trained or even encouraged to question or apply critical thinking.
So hearing their god-attributes like uncaused, uncreated, eternal,
omnipotent, personal, self-existent is actually a logical fallacy called “Begging
the Question” which does not occur to Muslims, because they will call this
rational, not able to comprehend intellectually that this assumes that the
origin of these attributes, a god, has already been proven and demonstrated.
But it has not. They will continue claiming that the Koran is a profound book and contains profound statements and logical arguments.
I actually sometimes feel sorry for these poor sods. They
try so hard and all they get is derision and ridicule. But how can you take
this seriously? It’s like seeing a cat carefully moving and falling down. You have to laugh. The cat will quickly
lick its paw, pretending nothing happened, but you can see the embarrassment. Do
Muslims feel embarrassed?
The guy on the ladder thinks he is making an impression on
the people listening to him. But he is incredibly naïve and completely
untrained in rational or critical thinking. He just rattles off what he was
told. He does not realise his little games and rehearsed rhetoric is illogical
and completely inconsequential.
It’s like listening to 100s of Hamzas now spreading all over
the country, but even less trained. It’s uncanny. They go on to this strange
sequence, where a creator is created by a creator who is created by, you
guessed it, a creator. This serves 2 purposes, 1. The rejection of an infinite
regress which in the real world is a known quantity and result and 2. The
assumption that we would never get a
What this dimwit doesn’t seem to comprehend is that 1. Is a
viable option and that 2. Is only true if the Universe indeed was created and
by his favoured creator on top of that, making his point a moot point as a
Universe without a creator would cancel his creator out automatically.
You can’t make it up.
It’s unbelievable.
These are human beings. Like me.
Living in the 21st century. Like me.
With brains. Like me.
But completely incapable of rational and logical thinking.
And I am nowhere near a deep thinker or philosopher.
So, what is their target audience? Who are the humans who are actually impressed with this? Who are the
ones who contribute this frenetic and hysterical applause when a primitive
human like Hamza asks these primitive and nonsensical questions?
Who are the new customers iERA is trying to attract via
their dawah kits in the dawah unit sales channels? Is it cannon-fodder they can
recruit and send to Syria to die a fool’s death? Or to Sochi to terrorise the
people competing in the way of sportsmanship?
Is it simply gullible cash machines?
Are they scraping the barrel to get fundamentalists who have
no spine and no standing in society and crave attention and false recognition
from a gang? Well, maybe we need to remember that more than half of the Muslims
are illiterate, so being able to read is already a distinct advantage.
Are they looking for reliable, long-term supporters?
Whatever they are doing, I doubt the public in the UK is
that easily impressed. Sure, you can jump a teenager and squeeze a shahada, the
admission ticket into Islam out of them, but will they be long-term supporters?
We know today that most converts leave as quickly as they join. In fact, Islam
is shrinking and Muslims are the last to accept this. They are still passing
out the fairy tale of the “fastest growing religion”. Maybe on Mars, but then,
many religions and spiritual cults make that claim to seem more important than
they are. As people are more educated, they start seeing through these
emotional comforters and anecdotes.
iERA is trying to keep their followers dumbed down and in
the doctrines of fundamentalist Islam. This means a very restrictive life
within narrow boundaries. There’s nothing here of a reformed and more modern
Islam. iERA still reject the reality of evolution and the findings of science
in general, if they are not in alignment with the Koran, the book which is
wrong on almost everything.
Modern Muslims such as Seyyed Hossein Nasr of George
Washington University, a Sufi, have long left this behind. They see humans as
animals and the link between worldly Earth and spiritual heaven, allowing for
evolution and Islam simultaneously.
That would be the future of Islam – but iERA will not take
part in it, I fear.
Dr Naik:
That means if any man or woman who is not married, if they
have unlawful sexual
intercoolers, the punishment is 100 lashes, flogging them
with 100 lashes... So the
punishment for adultery, unlawful sexual intercourse done by
married man is Islam, it is
stoning to death
Yusuf Chambers:
Well, Dr. Zakir, I feel that those 2 punishments were enough
to frighten
the most of the individuals from Zina [adultery]. May Allah
protect us from that.
Dr. Naik:
That’s in Islamic country but the punishment is not there in
a non-Muslim country.
So If it’s put throughout the world, InshaAllah, Zina would
be removed from the face of the
The Challenge of
Dawah by Abdur Raheem Green
Gaia’s frequencies
Mother giving birth to herself
Jesus and mother
Quan Yin
Diana Arosio
Muslims on Green
Logical Fallacies
iERA Speakers
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
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