12 December 2015

The Failed Hypothesis of LDM and iERA

A video has appeared (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IU9433lbIo) advertising the iERA event called "Failed Hypothesis" in December 2015. It seems Muslims are somewhat underwhelmed and are no longer thrilled to listen to their nonsense for a day, very different from just a few years ago, when such an event would have been sold out within hours. In my previous post I have critiqued their approach to a "new" process of trying to squeeze science into their old book, the Koran.

LDM will not learn and will not stop embarrassing themselves. They insist on being ridiculed over and over instead of sitting down with critics and trying to sort this out. The result is a lecture hall which is almost empty, with just a handful of people sitting there, if pictures, which have emerged are to be trusted.

LDM and iERA can’t handle or even understand reality today in the 21st century. Instead, they sell dreams. They are targeting unsuspecting Muslims who can’t conceive of fellow brothers intentionally lying to them. iERA need donations to survive. Donations by Muslims are their income. It’s their job to provide information to Muslims who, in turn, donate money and iERA manages the funds. Or maybe mismanages them?

So the better the lies, the better the comfort factor, the higher the donations. The problem is, there is nothing really to sell. Muslims have the Koran and since most are sunnis, they have the hadith and the interpretation by the scholars and can get any information or guidance they need and want. They don’t need iERA for that. But iERA need more money and they can only get it if they can sell their product and get more subscribers who will donate.

Forty years ago, along came a fraudster called al-Zindani who saw a way of tricking gullible people into accepting science in the Koran. But he was stupid as science has a method of correcting mistakes and scientists thus corrected the mistakes and science was out of the Koran again.

Now iERA come along to save the day and make science seem dubious and limited somehow, which is just as stupid as what Zindani was doing. But they want a little bit of science to be acceptable, but not everything. People like me have warned them of the consequences and the certain failure, but they don’t want to listen.

This video they’ve come up with on the - what they call - failed hypothesis, consists of a lot of hand-waving and empty speech bubbles.

They still don’t understand anything scientific, don’t understand what science does, how it works and what the results are. But they love using words which sound all “sciency” - which they are not.

I’ve already addressed some of it in my video on their Koran and Science.

Here, they pretend as though fabricating lies equals coming up with a hypothesis. They call the efforts of Zindani or 1001Inventions a fail and pretend they can do it better, selling just another bubble, a dream and wishful thinking. They declare the Koran as unscientific, something which can’t be verified or falsified using scientific methodology. Except, of course, you can.

If the Koran says mountains are pegs, we know what a mountain is and we know what a peg is and we know that a mountain is not a peg, so the Koran is wrong. It’s that easy.

As I predicted in my last video, they will start off by lying. They will try and bring Islam and science closer together, which is a fail as the 2 are completely incompatible, science based on facts and Islam based on faith. Science does not use faith and Islam does not use facts. Muslims are told not to question the Koran and to seek knowledge in the Koran. Completely contrary to the scientific approach.

They keep on displaying their ignorance when it comes to science and what science does, going off on words like empiricism - which they don’t understand or induction - which they don’t understand or certainty - which they don’t understand or change - which they don’t understand. They mention a lot of people, who, as I have demonstrated, do not say what they say they say. They will mention names, but NEVER the sentences themselves, never the statements they make which show what they claim they show.

These are just lies. Fabricated to impress fellow Muslims and make them donate.

No, scientific conclusions don’t automatically change. They simply don’t understand it

The entire topic of Darwinism and Darwinism 2.0 is so sickening and stupid, I can’t think of words describing how useless this is. All they are trying to do is shoot holes into a theory, which they don’t understand, embarrassing themselves once again in the process. All they will do is criticise the display, the graphic representation, pretending they have found a flaw in the theory. Why? Why do that? Does that help anyone?

But don’t you dare try and verify the Koran. Science is only allowed as far as the superstitions in a faulty, old book go, no further. Reality is what Islam allows as reality.

Prime example. Science tries to explore nature and understand it and Hussein says understanding nature is the prerequisite - the very thing we are trying to do using science. That’s the level of stupidity and wilful ignorance we are dealing with here.

Then Hussein says they will not use a presuppositional approach - and presupposes his favourite god.

}11:14 We have to be truthful

Really? A book can be tested and there has been no evidence of anything super-natural - as much as they try and squeeze a god into the Koran. Science does not care about gods or ghosts, that’s it.

Sentences like this show that this entire day will be a waste and I don’t even know if a critique of the event will be necessary, it is so unspectacular and just a bunch of uneducated idiots chasing a dream and making fools out of themselves in the process - instead of concentrating on what would make sense today in the real world of Islam.

}15:20 we should be using something if it is true

But they don’t and Islam continues to shrink and LDM can’t do anything about it. All they are doing is addressing a topic which does not exist instead of addressing the real problems haunting Islam at the moment.

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