19 June 2020

The Islam Earthquake of 2020

An earthquake in Islam has revealed some cracks in the foundation.

In June 2020 a Muslim apologist tried to be super clever and challenged a scholar of Islam on his views concerning the claimed preservation of the Koran. This is a claim the Koran makes to differentiate itself from the Bible, which has been updated frequently. The claim is that all recitations today are identical to what was recited 1400 years ago, when  the sentences were allegedly revealed over a time period of 23 years in the Arabian desert to a single source, an illiterate messenger/warlord/merchant.

“We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; 
  and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)” (15:9)

"This is an honorable Quran. In a protected book. 
  None can grasp it except the sincere. 
  A revelation from the Lord of the universe." (56:77) 

 "Indeed, it is a glorious Quran. In a preserved master tablet"  (85:21)

As is the case for all claims in the Koran, as soon as someone inspects a specific claim it turns out to be a false claim, a mistake in the Koran. Anyone who has investigated claims has been able to research and find sources to collect information from. This is the 21st century after all. Every time this was done, it turned out that the claim was wrong and could not be substantiated or verified. The same is true for the claim of a preserved Koran.

But when investigating historical texts of the Koran, and there are vast digital collections available to check consistency between them – this fails.

Confronted with this, Islamic Apologists first admit there are some dialects, some pronunciation differences. When pushed further they admit there are differences in the words. So it changes from no differences to some reading (kiraat) differences and then some (Ahruf) with different words altogether due to different consonants and vowel markings.

It is a well-known fact that there are seven different ahrûf in which the Qur'an was revealed.
Recitation Of The Qur'an in Hafs, Warsh & Other Qirâ'ât
Printed Edition Of The Qur'an In Various Qirâ'ât

- Islamic Awareness  

So not only do you get the Hafs and Warsh versions, but also the Qalun, Duri, Khalaf, etc etc and their variants. These can be quite significant – but don’t change the contents.

Next, the poor Muslim needs to admit there are not just 7 readings by 2 transmitters, ie 14 different versions of the Koran, but 10 and then eventually there are totally different ones from Ali, Abu Bakr, etc etc.

Then you have reports of a Koran with 120 chapters and the secondary literature itself mentions sentences on stoning and the hijab, which are missing today.

Going through history we have 100s of texts with corrections, where a word like allah is missing and was added later to match today’s version.

But the final nail in the coffin was probably the interview with the highly respected conservative scholar Dr. Yasir Qadhi. Another super-clever Muslim made a private opinion by Dr. Qadhi public. Dr. Qadhi himself calls DawahMan an idiot for doing this. Hijab now is also super-clever and pushes Dr. Qadhi, who very clearly said this is a discussion behind closed doors, an internal discussion without a conclusion, and again demands an answer. Dr. Qadhi starts to explain the intricacies of the problem, only to be interrupted by Hijab with a childish question. Dr Qadhi realises he made a mistake thinking this Hijab was an educated Muslim and stops his, what he calls complex line of thought and dumbs it down, saying a normal Muslim can’t comprehend this and should accept the Koran as the word of their god and not think about things and that scholars are doing the thinking for him.

He is further pushed, gets emotional and then states very openly, that not only are normal Muslims exempt from this discussion, he also admits that non-Muslim scholars have reached a much higher level of understanding and knowledge that Islamic scholars are even aware of and they are now standing against the ropes, pants down and have nothing in response. Nothing but faith. Blind faith.

And Dr. Yasir Qadhi openly states this.

He actually admits there are holes in the standard narrative of the preservation of the Koran and no explanation for them exists. In spite of 1000 years of Islamic scholarship.

In other words, the Koran is wrong. But he still claims he believes everything – even if it’s not true.

Hijab was sufficiently embarrassed by this that he tried to hide this part of the interview (look at lengths of the 2 identical interviews) by simply cutting it out, applying the only means of defence Muslim apologists have, censorship – just as he tried to hide this when Dr. Jay Smith held up 26 different Koran in Speakers’ Corner and he called Muslims away, desperately trying to hide the truth and cover up reality.

To add insult to injury, scholars like Dr. Keith Small, who died recently, have been shown to have an extensive library of Koran variants. Now Dr. Dan Brubaker has come forward and revealed decades of research into old manuscripts with 100s of Koran variants. I work from photos others have taken and analyse them. Dr. Brubaker went and inspected the manuscripts himself, picked them up and was able to scrutinise them using different lighting and different spectrums like UV and IR. Over many years. Reading line by line, taking notes and then comparing the different Koran variants and their words.

Because of their stubborn refusal to accept reality Muslim apologist are now caught with their pants down and nothing in response. Now, with all the facts and physical evidence out in the open they can’t just repeat their mantra of “no mistake in the Koran”. But the fact is, they have no adequate response, no explanation. A single mistake in the Koran, no matter how tiny, that is accepted by Islam in general would cause a huge crisis due to a Muslim’s unnaturally devout reverence for Muhammad and Koran, which would now have to be updated and even eliminated.

So the earthquake this week, week 25 of 2020, can cause catastrophic long term damage to Islam. It could significantly speed up the collapse of Islam we are witnessing today.

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